video projection 2013
"In the video film down, although
the focus is documentary, the film also sensitizes people to
realms that usually remain concealed to the naked eye. The
video deals with a young man becoming an adult and his
struggle for recognition while he gains the respect of his contemporaries
and of adults in a dangerous, high-risk sport.
The downhill cyclist is filmed at competitions
or while training over the course of several months. In this
fast-paced and daredevil cycling sport, the cyclists plunge head
over heels down the mountain on their mountain bikes. Nonetheless, the sport lives from the
speed and the danger, which makes it the ideal testing ground
for courage and the facing of challenges.
The camera is focused primarily on the face of the eighteen-year-old
man and, in the film, plays back his reactions at a reduced
speed. As a result of intensive observation, the fine changes
in his facial expressions and body language are revealed.
Despite the helmet and the protective clothing, what becomes
visible is a constant interplay of courage, strength, pride,
arrogance, fear, hesitation, and retreat."
Kathleen Bühler
Technology: video projector, move box, video loop 12 minutes without sound